Emerging Incident: " Hoegh Osaka " Vessel Grounded near Southampton (4 January 2015)

Emerging Incident: " Hoegh Osaka " Vessel Grounded near Southampton (4 January 2015)
Emerging Incident: " Hoegh Osaka " Vessel Grounded near Southampton (4 January 2015)
In what seems to have been a disastrous few weeks for the Scandinavian P&I Clubs the huge 51,770 GT "Hoegh Osaka" car carrier, which we understand is entered with Gard, has run aground on a sand bank whilst leaving Southampton for Bremerhaven. 

When there are cars onboard it is common for the manufacturer's to refuse to honour the warranty, so they often have to be destroyed. As a result the insurance claim could be huge, even if she is refloated successfully. 

How such a modern, advanced ship, with such a high-value cargo onboard, can run aground on a fairly routine voyage to the UK, is not yet known. Thankfully all the 25 crewmembers have now been safely rescued.

Vessel: Car Carrier "Hoegh Osaka" (IMO No. 9185463)

P & I Club: Gard

GT: 51,770

Build: 2000 (14 years old)

Flag: Singapore

Operator: Hoegh Autoliners AS

Numbers Onboard: 25 crew

Voyage: Southampton, UK to Bremerhaven, Germany.

Incident: The vessel was laden with a mixed cargo of vehicles and departed Southampton around 8pm on Saturday night (3 Jan. 2015). Whilst navigating Bramble Bank she appears to have veered towards portside and grounded on the sand, taking on a 45 degree list. All crew were safely disembarked eventually and salvage efforts are understood to be underway. 
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